So what is this post going to be about? What worked in 2013. What didn't. And what needs to be done in 2014.
What worked:
- Medifast. I was successful losing 65 lbs on Medifast before I stopped in mid-October to focus on moving more for my half marathon training.
- Support. I had some wonderful support from my Facebook group. I really appreciate all the comments, likes, cheers, and ears to listen.
- Moving more. I absolutely moved more, even if it wasn't enough. I moved more than the past year (2012) without a doubt.
What didn't work:
- Maintaining. I gained back 20 lbs after quitting Medifast. Some because that's just what happens when you come out of ketosis (about 10 lbs) and some because I ate poorly and didn't move enough. I put the blame on myself for not working hard enough to try to maintain and re-lose it, but I'm not horrendously upset because it will come back off.
- Running. I was getting there. I was moving more and then the shin splints kicked in in early November which derailed me for a good 6 weeks. I FINALLY ran without pain yesterday for the first time in 6+ weeks and now I can't wait to do it more. I just wish it were 6 weeks ago so I would have more time to prepare for the Tink Half in 18 days. Yeah. 19 days of training isn't going to cut it. But I've got 19 days to make the most of.
What needs to be done in 2014:
- Move even more. Continue on this upswing where I don't have shin pain. I'd like to thank my foam roller, massage therapist and ice for the help. Will I keep running? I don't know. I would love to complete a full 5K running. So I'll probably keep practicing as long as I can stay pain free. If I don't keep running, I'll still keep moving in longer walks, at the gym, using weights and perhaps taking up some cardio. My neighbor teaches Zumba. I'm terrified of breaking every bone in my body and a few in the people next to me with my lack of coordination, but hey, it's a good way to meet people, right?
- Take more weight off. I'm not going to pick a specific number. If I were, it would be 155. But if I end 2014 at 175 I'm not going to be upset or think I failed. This year it's the end of the "diet" and the beginning of the "eating less, moving more" so I can take it off even slower, but steadily.
- Eat better. I'm not going to say I'm giving up ____ or eating more ____. I'm just going to focus on eating less crap and more good stuff. I have decided to limit the amount of milk I'm drinking because it seems to flare up my eczema, but I'm just limiting it, not eliminating it.
Those sound like pretty routine things, right? Thought so. I'd love to hear what you are most proud of in 2013 and what your plans for 2014 include.
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