Tuesday, April 9, 2013


This isn't an official post, and I won't be using this blog to track my progress - but I will be talking about it on here in conjunction with my Tink '14 training. But today I was offered the opportunity to work with Medifast and their Take Shape for Life program in conjunction with Katie Talks About, my main blog.

I was offered the spot earlier today and am still waiting to finalize details, but I am super grateful for this opportunity. Once I learn more about it, I'll share more details on both blogs. I do know that the Take Shape for Life program offers a health counselor as part of the program, and the program consists of 5 small Medifast meals during the day plus one lean & green meal for dinner - meaning lean protein and 3 servings of non-starchy veggies.

I called this post "Chances" because I've lost track of which chance this is for me. At least my 3rd or 4th. Or 14th. I don't even know. But chances like this one don't fall in your lap every day. I like to think that the hard work I put into my blog - pretty much a part-time job that I work after Violet goes to bed at night & I finish my "real" job paperwork - has paid off.

I'm really excited to learn more about the Take Shape for Life program with Medifast. I really, truly, am as focused as I've been in years.

On a side note... no walking outdoors today. Sixteen degrees and snow. Yeah. It was 70 yesterday. I suppose I should have taken Violet and gone to the gym, but that would have involved leaving the house, and I was more than comfy in my Giambi shirt, yoga pants and flip flops. Tomorrow is a busy work day but I think I'll head to the gym with Violet after school.

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