Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chugging along

This morning I had an appointment with my endocrinologist. I see her every two months. My thyroid was removed on January 22nd, and we're still working to regulate levels.

My concern, which she validated, is that the weight isn't coming off as rapidly as I feel it should considering the work and dedication I'm putting into it. I'll have some fasting blood work done early next week which will also look at my A1C and fasting glucose levels. There's talk of putting me on Metformin if my fasting glucose levels are to high. I haven't heard good stories about Metformin, so I'm hoping that eating well these past few months and having lost a *little* bit of weight has helped. Regardless, my Synthroid will likely be increased which could help with my metabolism.

I took a 2.36 mile walk tonight in 48 minutes. I'm not sure what that averages out to in MPH because I don't do math. Unfortunately, even with my compression socks, shin splints kicked in when I started the uphill portion of my walk. Super frustrating. I ended up taking a 3 minute break after about 1.8 miles. I'd like to aim for a 3 mile walk on Saturday, weather and time permitting. Right now I'm not in it so much for the speed as I am for the distance and building endurance. I'd like to avoid the treadmill at the gym as much as possible, though I promised my daughter I'd take her there next week (she loves the kids room).

I'm talking with the Medifast people tomorrow about my contract and the program and am excited to get moving on it!

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